33 research outputs found

    One-dimensional dynamics of QCD2 string

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    We show that QCD2_2 on 2D pseudo-manifolds is consistent with the Gross-Taylor string picture. It allows us to introduce a model describing the one-dimensional evolution of the QCD2_2 string (in the sense that QCD2_2 itself is regarded as a zero-dimensional system). The model is shown to possess the third order phase transition associated with the c=1c=1 Bose string below which it becomes equivalent to the vortex-free sector of the 1-dimensional matrix model. We argue that it could serve as a toy model for the glueball-threshold behavior of multicolor QCD.Comment: 9p., LaTe

    Wilson loops, geometric operators and fermions in 3d group field theory

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    Group field theories whose Feynman diagrams describe 3d gravity with a varying configuration of Wilson loop observables and 3d gravity with volume observables at each vertex are defined. The volume observables are created by the usual spin network grasping operators which require the introduction of vector fields on the group. We then use this to define group field theories that give a previously defined spin foam model for fermion fields coupled to gravity, and the simpler quenched approximation, by using tensor fields on the group. The group field theory naturally includes the sum over fermionic loops at each order of the perturbation theory.Comment: 13 pages, many figures, uses psfra

    The 1/N expansion of colored tensor models

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    In this paper we perform the 1/N expansion of the colored three dimensional Boulatov tensor model. As in matrix models, we obtain a systematic topological expansion, with more and more complicated topologies suppressed by higher and higher powers of N. We compute the first orders of the expansion and prove that only graphs corresponding to three spheres S^3 contribute to the leading order in the large N limit.Comment: typos corrected, references update

    Two dimensional lattice gauge theory based on a quantum group

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    In this article we analyze a two dimensional lattice gauge theory based on a quantum group.The algebra generated by gauge fields is the lattice algebra introduced recently by A.Yu.Alekseev,H.Grosse and V.Schomerus we define and study wilson loops and compute explicitely the partition function on any Riemann surface. This theory appears to be related to Chern-Simons Theory.Comment: 35 pages LaTex file,CPTH A302-05.94 (we have corrected some misprints and added more material to be complete

    Bubble divergences: sorting out topology from cell structure

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    We conclude our analysis of bubble divergences in the flat spinfoam model. In [arXiv:1008.1476] we showed that the divergence degree of an arbitrary two-complex Gamma can be evaluated exactly by means of twisted cohomology. Here, we specialize this result to the case where Gamma is the two-skeleton of the cell decomposition of a pseudomanifold, and sharpen it with a careful analysis of the cellular and topological structures involved. Moreover, we explain in detail how this approach reproduces all the previous powercounting results for the Boulatov-Ooguri (colored) tensor models, and sheds light on algebraic-topological aspects of Gurau's 1/N expansion.Comment: 19 page

    Character Expansion Methods for Matrix Models of Dually Weighted Graphs

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    We consider generalized one-matrix models in which external fields allow control over the coordination numbers on both the original and dual lattices. We rederive in a simple fashion a character expansion formula for these models originally due to Itzykson and Di Francesco, and then demonstrate how to take the large N limit of this expansion. The relationship to the usual matrix model resolvent is elucidated. Our methods give as a by-product an extremely simple derivation of the Migdal integral equation describing the large NN limit of the Itzykson-Zuber formula. We illustrate and check our methods by analyzing a number of models solvable by traditional means. We then proceed to solve a new model: a sum over planar graphs possessing even coordination numbers on both the original and the dual lattice. We conclude by formulating equations for the case of arbitrary sets of even, self-dual coupling constants. This opens the way for studying the deep problem of phase transitions from random to flat lattices.Comment: 22 pages, harvmac.tex, pictex.tex. All diagrams written directly into the text in Pictex commands. (Two minor math typos corrected. Acknowledgements added.

    Combinatorial quantization of the Hamiltonian Chern-Simons theory I

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    Motivated by a recent paper of Fock and Rosly \cite{FoRo} we describe a mathematically precise quantization of the Hamiltonian Chern-Simons theory. We introduce the Chern-Simons theory on the lattice which is expected to reproduce the results of the continuous theory exactly. The lattice model enjoys the symmetry with respect to a quantum gauge group. Using this fact we construct the algebra of observables of the Hamiltonian Chern-Simons theory equipped with a *-operation and a positive inner product.Comment: 49 pages. Some minor corrections, discussion of positivity improved, a number of remarks and a reference added

    Noncomputability Arising In Dynamical Triangulation Model Of Four-Dimensional Quantum Gravity

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    Computations in Dynamical Triangulation Models of Four-Dimensional Quantum Gravity involve weighted averaging over sets of all distinct triangulations of compact four-dimensional manifolds. In order to be able to perform such computations one needs an algorithm which for any given NN and a given compact four-dimensional manifold MM constructs all possible triangulations of MM with ≤N\leq N simplices. Our first result is that such algorithm does not exist. Then we discuss recursion-theoretic limitations of any algorithm designed to perform approximate calculations of sums over all possible triangulations of a compact four-dimensional manifold.Comment: 8 Pages, LaTex, PUPT-132

    Bosonic Colored Group Field Theory

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    Bosonic colored group field theory is considered. Focusing first on dimension four, namely the colored Ooguri group field model, the main properties of Feynman graphs are studied. This leads to a theorem on optimal perturbative bounds of Feynman amplitudes in the "ultraspin" (large spin) limit. The results are generalized in any dimension. Finally integrating out two colors we write a new representation which could be useful for the constructive analysis of this type of models

    Loop Equation in Two-dimensional Noncommutative Yang-Mills Theory

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    The classical analysis of Kazakov and Kostov of the Makeenko-Migdal loop equation in two-dimensional gauge theory leads to usual partial differential equations with respect to the areas of windows formed by the loop. We extend this treatment to the case of U(N) Yang-Mills defined on the noncommutative plane. We deal with all the subtleties which arise in their two-dimensional geometric procedure, using where needed results from the perturbative computations of the noncommutative Wilson loop available in the literature. The open Wilson line contribution present in the non-commutative version of the loop equation drops out in the resulting usual differential equations. These equations for all N have the same form as in the commutative case for N to infinity. However, the additional supplementary input from factorization properties allowing to solve the equations in the commutative case is no longer valid.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, references added, small clarifications adde